VM is a CloudsFor virtual machine. By sending requests to the VM endpoint, you can list, create, or delete VMs.

Some of the attributes will have an object value. The region and image objects will all contain the standard attributes of their associated types. Find more information about each of these objects in their respective sections.

Attribute Type Description
id string
A unique identifier for each VM instance. This is
automatically generated upon VM creation.
name string
The human-readable name set for the VM instance.
memory number
Memory of the VM in gigabytes.
vcpus string
The number of virtual CPUs.
disk string
The size of the VM’s disk in gigabytes.
locked boolean
A boolean value indicating whether the VM has been
locked, preventing actions by users.
created_at string
A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time
format that represents when the VM was created.
status string
A status string indicating the state of the VM
instance. This may be “running” and “stopped”.
backup_ids array
An array of backup IDs of any backups that have been
taken of the VM instance. VM backups are enabled at the
of instance creation.
snapshot_ids array
An array of snapshot IDs of any snapshots created from
the VM instance.
image object
The details of operating system image, used in this VM.
Attributes are: id (internal image identificator), distro
(image identificator, that was used upon VM creation
stage) and name (human-readable OS description).
features array
An array of features enabled on this VM.
networks object
The details of the network that are configured for the
VM instance. This is an object that contains keys
for IPv4. The value of each of these is an array that
contains objects describing an individual IP resource
allocated to the VM. These will define attributes like
the IP address, netmask, and gateway of the specific
network depending on the type of network it is.

Create a new VM

To create a new VM, send a POST request to /api/v1/vms.

The attribute values that must be set to successfully create a VM are:

Attribute Type Description Required
name string
The human-readable string you wish to use when displaying
the VM name. The name, if set to a domain name
managed in the CloudsFor DNS management system, will
configure a PTR record for the VM. The name set
during creation will also determine the hostname for the
VM in its internal configuration.
region string
The unique slug identifier for the region that you wish
to deploy in.
image string
Unique identifier for a public image. This image will be
the base image for your VM.
size number
Memory size
cpu number
The number of virtual CPUs.
disk_size number
The size of the VM’s disk in gigabytes.
plan string
Tariff plan, used for accounting of this VM. It may be
PLAN_ID_STD (dynamic tarrification) or PLAN_ID_FIX
(static tarrification). If value is not set, it would be
PLAN_ID_FIX by default.
ssh_keys array
An array containing the IDs of the SSH keys that you wish
to embed in the VM’s root account upon creation.

A VM will be created using the provided information. The response body will contain a JSON object with a key called vm. The value will be an object containing the standard attributes for your new VM:

Attribute Type Description
id string
A unique identifier for each VM instance. This is
automatically generated upon VM creation.
name string
The human-readable name set for the VM instance.
memory number
Memory of the VM in gigabytes.
vcpus string
The number of virtual CPUs.
disk string
The size of the VM’s disk in gigabytes.
locked boolean
A boolean value indicating whether the VM has been
locked, preventing actions by users.
created_at string
A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time
format that represents when the VM was created.
status string
A status string indicating the state of the VM
instance. This may be “running” and “stopped”.
backup_ids array
An array of backup IDs of any backups that have been
taken of the VM instance. VM backups are
enabled at the time of the instance creation.
snapshot_ids array
An array of snapshot IDs of any snapshots created from
the VM instance.
plan string
Tariff plan, used for accounting of this VM.
features array
An array of features enabled on this VM.
networks object
The details of the network that are configured for the
VM instance. This is an object that contains keys
for IPv4. The value of each of these is an array that
contains objects describing an individual IP resource
allocated to the VM. These will define attributes
like the IP address, netmask, and gateway of the specific
network depending on the type of network it is.

cURL Example:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u 'user@example.com:password' -d '{"name":"example.com","region":"moscow_01","size":1,"image":"fedora-19","ssh_keys":null,"backups":false,"ipv6":false,"user_data":null,"private_networking":null}' "https://cloudsfor.com/api/v1/vms"

Request Headers:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Request Body:

  "name": "example.com",
  "region": "moscow_01",
  "size": 1,
  "disk_size": 10,
  "cpu": 1,
  "image": "fedora-19",
  "ssh_keys": null,
  "backups": false,
  "ipv6": false,
  "user_data": null,
  "private_networking": false

Response Headers:

content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
status: 202 Accepted

Response Body:

  "vm": {
    "id": "9a33ef4fec394360a88e3c60b78b5dbc",
    "name": "example.com",
    "memory": 1,
    "vcpus": 1,
    "disk": 10,
    "locked": true,
    "status": "new",
    "plan": "PLAN_ID_FIX",
    "created_at": "2015-01-14T16:36:31Z",
    "features": [],
    "backup_ids": [],
    "snapshot_ids": [],
  "links": {

Retrieve an existing VM by id

To show an individual VM, send a GET request to /api/v1/vms/$VM_ID.

The response will be a JSON object with a key called vm. This will be set to a JSON object that contains the VM’s attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id string
A unique identifier for each VM instance. This is
automatically generated upon VM creation.
name string
The human-readable name set for the VM instance.
memory number
Memory of the VM in gigabytes.
vcpus string
The number of virtual CPUs.
disk string
The size of the VM’s disk in gigabytes.
locked boolean
A boolean value indicating whether the VM has been
locked, preventing actions by users.
created_at string
A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time
format that represents when the VM was created.
status string
A status string indicating the state of the VM
instance. This may be “running” and “stopped”.
backup_ids array
An array of backup IDs of any backups that have been
taken of the VM instance. VM backups are
enabled at the time of the instance creation.
snapshot_ids array
An array of snapshot IDs of any snapshots created from
the VM instance.
image object
The details of operating system image, used in this VM.
Attributes are: id (internal image identificator), distro
(image identificator, that was used upon VM creation
stage) and name (human-readable OS description).
plan string
Tariff plan, used for accounting of this VM.
features array
An array of features enabled on this VM.
networks object
The details of the network that are configured for the
VM instance. This is an object that contains keys
for IPv4. The value of each of these is an array that
contains objects describing an individual IP resource
allocated to the VM. These will define attributes
like the IP address, netmask, and gateway of the specific
network depending on the type of network it is.

cURL Example:

curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u 'user@example.com:password' "https://cloudsfor.com/api/v1/vms/9a33ef4fec394360a88e3c60b78b5dbc"

Request Headers:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Response Headers:

content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
status: 200 OK

Response Body:

  "vm": {
    "id": "9a33ef4fec394360a88e3c60b78b5dbc",
    "name": "example.com",
    "memory": 1,
    "vcpus": 1,
    "disk": 10,
    "locked": true,
    "plan": "PLAN_ID_FIX",
    "status": "running",
    "created_at": "2015-01-14T16:36:31Z",
    "features": [],
    "backup_ids": [],
    "snapshot_ids": [],
  "links": {

List All VMs

To list all VMs in your account, send a GET request to /api/v1/vms.

The response body will be a JSON object with a key of vms. This will be set to an array containing objects representing each VM. These will contain the standard VM attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id string
A unique identifier for each VM instance. This is
automatically generated upon VM creation.
name string
The human-readable name set for the VM instance.
memory number
Memory of the VM in gigabytes.
vcpus string
The number of virtual CPUs.
disk string
The size of the VM’s disk in gigabytes.
locked boolean
A boolean value indicating whether the VM has been
locked, preventing actions by users.
created_at string
A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time
format that represents when the VM was created.
status string
A status string indicating the state of the VM
instance. This may be “running” and “stopped”.
backup_ids array
An array of backup IDs of any backups that have been
taken of the VM instance. VM backups are
enabled at the time of the instance creation.
snapshot_ids array
An array of snapshot IDs of any snapshots created from
the VM instance.
image object
The details of operating system image, used in this VM.
Attributes are: id (internal image identificator), distro
(image identificator, that was used upon VM creation
stage) and name (human-readable OS description).
features array
An array of features enabled on this VM.
networks object
The details of the network that are configured for the
VM instance. This is an object that contains keys
for IPv4. The value of each of these is an array that
contains objects describing an individual IP resource
allocated to the VM. These will define attributes
like the IP address, netmask, and gateway of the specific
network depending on the type of network it is.

cURL Example:

curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u 'user@example.com:password' "https://cloudsfor.com/api/v1/vms"

Request Headers:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Response Headers:

content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
status: 200 OK

Response Body:

  "vms": {
    "id": "9a33ef4fec394360a88e3c60b78b5dbc",
    "name": "example.com",
    "memory": 1,
    "vcpus": 1,
    "disk": 10,
    "locked": true,
    "status": "running",
    "created_at": "2015-01-14T16:36:31Z",
    "features": [],
    "backup_ids": [],
    "snapshot_ids": [],
    "id": "fcaa52bf0f1d4157a71912e1a70f1bd2",
    "name": "example2.com",
    "memory": 2,
    "vcpus": 4,
    "disk": 30,
    "locked": true,
    "status": "stopped",
    "created_at": "2015-01-14T16:36:31Z",
    "features": [],
    "backup_ids": [],
    "snapshot_ids": [],
  "links": {

List snapshots for a VM

To retrieve the snapshots that have been created from a VM, sent a GET request to /api/v1/vms/$VM_ID/snapshots.

You will get back a JSON object that has a snapshots key. This will be set to an array of snapshot objects, each of which contain the standard image attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id string
A unique identifier for each VM instance. This is
automatically generated upon VM creation.
name string
The human-readable name set for the VM instance.
memory number
Memory of the VM in gigabytes.
vcpus string
The number of virtual CPUs.
disk string
The size of the VM’s disk in gigabytes.
locked boolean
A boolean value indicating whether the VM has been
locked, preventing actions by users.
created_at string
A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time
format that represents when the VM was created.
status string
A status string indicating the state of the VM
instance. This may be “running” and “stopped”.
backup_ids array
An array of backup IDs of any backups that have been
taken of the VM instance. VM backups are
enabled at the time of the instance creation.
snapshot_ids array
An array of snapshot IDs of any snapshots created from
the VM instance.
features array
An array of features enabled on this VM.
networks object
The details of the network that are configured for the
VM instance. This is an object that contains keys
for IPv4. The value of each of these is an array that
contains objects describing an individual IP resource
allocated to the VM. These will define attributes
like the IP address, netmask, and gateway of the specific
network depending on the type of network it is.

Delete a VM

To delete a VM, send a DELETE request to /api/v1/vms/$VM_ID.

No response body will be sent back, but the response code will indicate success. Specifically, the response code will be a 204, which means that the action was successful with no returned body data.

cURL Example:

curl -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u 'user@example.com:password' "https://cloudsfor.com/api/v1/vms/9a33ef4fec394360a88e3c60b78b5dbc"

Request Headers:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Response Headers:

content-type: application/octet-stream
status: 204 No Content